巴西阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦病院29日颁发公报,传递巴西“球王”贝利于本地时间29日逝世,享年82岁。。 Former Brazilian footbal
Former Brazilian football star Pele, three-time World Cup champion, died on Thursday at the age of 82 in a hospital in Sao Paulo, victim of colon cancer, his doctors officially reported.
中国日报双语新闻 ,赞 565 公报说:“阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦病院沉痛确认埃德森·阿兰特斯·多·纳西门托,即贝利,于今天,2022年12月29日15时27分,因结肠癌形成的多器官功用衰竭而逝世。”The report of the Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital said, "the Hospital confirms with regret the death of Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Pele, today Dec 29, 2022, at 3:27 pm, due to the failure of multiple organs, as a result of the progression of colon cancer associated with his previous medical condition."
贝利在2021年9月承受结肠癌手术,术后承受化疗,本年11月29日因病情恶化再次住进圣保罗阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦病院。在对其停止身体查抄以及对前一阶段化疗效果停止评估后,院方决定停行化疗,采纳姑息疗法。The Athlete of the Century had been hospitalized since Nov 29 at the Albert Einstein hospital, in Sao Paulo. The hospitalization took place due to a respiratory infection after he contracted COVID-19, and for the reassessment of the treatment of colon cancer. 贝利的葬礼将在桑托斯市举行,目前贝利的家人尚未透露葬礼详细细节。桑托斯市球队桑托斯队是贝利效力时间最长的俱乐部。
