
▸ 为什么说贝利是整个巴西民族兴起的象征?
▸ 你晓得十七岁的神童贝利若何在 1958 年的世界杯舞台上一战封神吗?
▸ 足球若何成为了巴西寻找国度身份认同的一种文化理论?
▸ 为什么在“马拉卡纳惨案”之后,巴西被认为具有一种“杂种狗情结”?
▸ 巴西足球在贝利时代的起飞若何与巴西的经济奇观刚好重合?
▸ 贝利为什么很少攻讦本国的政治阴暗面?
▸ 你晓得“bossa nova”那种音乐有什么特色吗?
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Pelé Was Brazils Ambassador to the World

Pelé had met, by then, three American presidents, starting with Richard Nixon a decade earlier, and he would go on to meet several more. Each visit cemented the role of Pelé, who died on Thursday, as not just the worlds best soccer player, but as a living embodiment of his country. He was, for most of his 82 years, Brazils representative to the world and a source of pride to a nation that found itself, thanks in part to the magic in the feet of the 17-year-old wunderkind who fired it to its first World Cup championship in 1958.
来源:The New York Times
从十年前的理查德·尼克松起头,贝利那时已经见过三位美国总统,他还将继续与其他几位总统会面。每次拜候都稳固了贝利的角色,而那位世界上更好的足球运发动,其国度的活化身,于上周四逝世。在他 82 年人生中的大部门时间里,贝利都是巴西的世界代表,也是那个国度的骄傲。那个国度之所以能发现自我,在必然水平上要归功于其时 17 岁的天才足球运发动脚下的魔力,他在 1958 年率领巴西初次夺得世界杯冠军。
cement/sɪˈment/ v. 加强,稳固(关系等)
○ to make a relationship, an agreement, etc. stronger
○ e.g. The Presidents visit was intended to cement the alliance between the two countries. 总统的拜候是为了加强两国的联盟。
wunderkind /ˈwʊndəkɪnd/ n. 神童,少年得志者
○ (from German, sometimes disapproving) a person who is very successful at a young age

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